The vote was tied after ministers failed to reach a deal with Nick Xenophon, an independent senator from South Australia, who had demanded amendments to the bill to finance improvements to the ailing Murray-Darling river system. 反对者和赞成者势均力敌,此前澳大利亚各部长未能与来自南澳大利亚的独立参议员尼克•色诺芬(NickXenophon)达成协议。他要求对该法案进行修改,以便资助修缮境况不佳的墨累-达令河水利体系。
A focus of rail, sea, air, and road transportation, it receives the bulk of the products of the lower Murray River Valley, which has no port at its mouth. 作为海路、陆路、铁路及航空的交通枢纽,阿德莱德要吞吐大量来自墨累河谷下游的货物,因为河口没有港口。
But since his skeleton, known as Nacurrie, was discovered in1948, near Swan Hill on the Murray River, it has been the changes to his skull that have been of most interest to Professor Brown. 但是,由于他的骨架,作为Nacurrie众所周知,在1948年被发现天鹅山附近,在墨累河,它一直是他的头骨有最感兴趣的是要布朗教授的变化。
Located on the Murray River, Joe and Christine Caudo's Hogwash Bend property comprises three different zones. 坐落在马瑞河畔,乔和克里斯汀-康多的鸿格沃诗公司由三个区域组成。
The River Murray and the river darling join east of adelaide. 墨累河和达令河在阿得雷德以东汇合。
And my family and I live on an orchard in the small town of Cobram, right next to the Murray River. 我和我的家人生活在紧挨着默里河一个叫科博拉穆小镇的果园中。